The Real Food Detox Guide

Eat well, feel well! The foods we consume significantly impact our health and the way we feel every day. By incorporating some these recommended foods into your routines and meal habits regularly, you can better achieve consistent benefits of detoxing as well as an overall sense of balance and health in your daily life.

You deserve to wake up feeling healthy and energized for all you have to do in your daily grind! Learn how to incorporate foods into your regular diet that will aid your body in detoxing naturally, all while fueling your mind and body.

Whether it’s a goal of yours to lose weight, or you want to maintain and keep your body running smoothly over time, it’s important to detox with REAL food — in its most natural state. Food that will nourish you while supporting your body’s natural detoxification process. Let’s get real: the foods we consume, physical actions we take and thoughts we think impact our health and the way we feel, each and every day. By incorporating these foods into your routines and diet habits on a regular basis, you can better achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Our bodies are designed for success, and already fully equipped to rid us of toxins and other things we don’t need. But in the modern world, we are constantly being exposed to added toxins in our environment, many of which are contained in our food, and we tend to get a little out of whack from time to time. Some telling signs you may need to detoxify include chronic fatigue, sinus related issues, inflammation, digestive disorders, skin problems or feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. These symptoms and other irritations from food are, first of all, downright miserable to endure. They can also cause a whole slew of illnesses and diseases down the road if you don’t take care of yourself and listen to your body’s warning signs. And you deserve to wake up feeling healthy and energized for all you have to accomplish every day.

Here is the great news: it’s simply not necessary to cut-out entire food groups, go on a juice cleanse and practically starve yourself to FEEL GOOD.  Your best bet for healthy food is always using real ingredients. Go straight to the source! By building these nutritional and self-care habits now, you will:

  • Feel better both physically and emotionally
  • Improve your brain health
  • Find more happiness in life
  • Wake up feeling more energized
  • Learn to take excellent care of yourself, so you will also take better care of those around you!

Attached is my list of 30 wholesome, delicious and real foods with natural detox and cleansing properties. Most of them have a positive impact on digestion as well, and may be able to improve symptoms you may be suffering from related to digestive issues and diseases. Try to incorporate as many of these ingredients as possible into your regular diet, as often as possible, to reap consistent detoxifying benefits. When you feel healthy and well, everything else in life gets a little easier!

Below are 30 different healthy foods, their unique benefits that support natural detox and digestive health, along with a tip or recipe about how to cook or include that food item in your diet.


This tasty citrus fruit zaps fat and is packed with natural antioxidants, soluble fiber (which aids the digestive system) and vitamin C. Grapefruit also cleanses the skin and is high in potassium, which supports cellular cleansing and helps tighten and tone the skin.

Pro tip:Tastes great by itself, on a salad or with a drizzle of honey and pecans toasted in the oven.


When you consume a good deal of sodium the body tends to retain fluids, resulting in a puffed belly – nobody wants that.Sipping on some hibiscus tea will help deflate that puff. The flavonoids in the hibiscus plant counteract bloating by influencing the hormone that regulates your water and electrolyte balance.

Pro tip:For the perfect morning detox breakfast, brew some hibiscus tea and pair it with a bowl of Greek yogurt and berries. You can also opt for wearing sweatpants.


If ginger was a super-hero, it would definitely be known for its impressive cleansing powers. By stimulating digestion, circulation and sweating — actions that cleanse the build-up of waste and toxins in the colon, liver, and other organs – it allows the body to build better defenses against illness and disease as well.

Pro tip: Mix together with lemon, raw honey and our Artisan Farmacy Teatox Mix for a tasty and energizing morning beverage.


Mix your avocado into some guacamole for the perfect snack while hanging with friends and family. The detoxifying combination of liver cleansing avocado and stomach settling cilantro promotes healthy digestion and overall gut health.

Pro tip:Triple your detox value by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice, fresh spices and tomato to your guacamole for the combined benefits of lemon, avocado, tomato and garlic to support your body in its detoxification process.


 This low-calorie superfood is a complex carb and excellent source of fiber, so it takes longer to be digested, which keeps you full longer and supplies the body with energy over a longer period of time. Sweet potatoes also reduce inflammation, boost brain health with beta-carotene, and rejuvenate the skin with vitamin A.

Pro tip: Mix Greek yogurt with fresh or dried spices of your choosing for a healthy baked sweet potato topping. My favorite is dill or cilantro with garlic, salt & pepper.


Bananas will slim your tummy by increasing bloat-fighting bacteria, and providing a healthy dose of potassium to reduce water retention. Eattwice daily as a pre-meal snack to reduce belly-bloat by up to 50%

Pro tip: Peel and freeze your over-ripe bananas for a delicious frozen addition to your smoothies.


Consuming foods high in the antioxidant lycopene, such as tomatoes, can actually ward off skin damage from the inside out! Lycopene helps protect the skin and liver from free radical damage, allowing it to function optimally and remove toxins, clearing your systems of the waste overload that builds up in the body over time.

Pro tip: The lycopene content in tomatoes actually increases as you cook it.Hello, pasta sauce! Or, try cooking tomatoes with our Artisan Farmacy Ayurvedic Spice Mix as an alternative sauce.


Fantastic news for all tea drinkers: Any tea will help soothe your nerves, but white and green teas are also known to block fat and boost metabolism. White tea attacks belly fat by simultaneously boosting the breakdown of fat and the formation of fat cells. Green tea alleviates bloating by counteracting water retention. 

Pro tip:Begin your morning with a cup of tea after some yoga and mindset work — it’s tasty hot or cold.


A diet rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids supports heart and organ health, reducing risks and allowing for healthy blood flow. Proper blood flow and circulation are crucial factors to ridding the body of unwanted toxins and keeping your arteries clean and functioning properly.

Pro tip: Always opt for wild caught verses farm raised fish when you are able for greater nutritional value / less hormones. Serve with a side of simple homemade dressing:Greek yogurt, diced cucumber, garlic and cilantro, mint or basil (or combination).


The jewel tones of this veggie are due to plant pigments that have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and promote cell repair and regeneration. Beets are high in antioxidants and contain a number of nutrients that are known to be naturally cleansing and detoxifying, keeping the liver in tip top shape!

Pro tip: After boiling your beets, set the juice aside for a nutrient-rich drink or mix into a soup base or smoothie.


Get things movingwith some digestive-friendly oats and steaming cup of tea! One cup of oats delivers 16 grams of fiber, which feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut in addition to keeping you feeling full longer. Bonus perk: As an anti-inflammatory, oats can also aid in prevention of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Pro tip: Mix oats with nuts, seeds and berries of your choosing, along with a little milk or almond milk. Combinein a bowl or mason jar and let it sit overnight for a tasty travel-friendly breakfast the next morning.


You most likely already possess this metabolism-boosting ingredient. Eating just one teaspoon of mustard can boost your metabolism by up to 25% for several hours after consumption! If using it condiment-style, spread a layer on a sandwich or, in spice form, sprinkle onto meat and vegetables prior to cooking.

Pro tip: Mix a couple tablespoons of mustard with some balsamic vinegar, real olive oil and spices of your choosing for a delicious homemade salad dressing.


Delicious and nutritious! One cup alone of antioxidant-rich blackberries or raspberries packs in up to 8 grams of fiber. High fiber foods tend to be more filling, so you are more likely to eat less and remain sated longer. Berries are also known to reduce fat-causing inflammation and increase the hunger-controlling hormone ghrelin, helping you shed those pounds more easily.

Pro tip: Sprinkle a handful of berries onto your morning cereal, oats, yogurt or granola for a tasty topping.


In the Eastern world, turmeric is known as the “elixir of life” and ultimate “queen of spices” for its myriad health benefits! Since the liver is an essential organ for fat burning and weight loss, when the liver is damaged it has less ability to detoxify and burn away fat. That’s where this golden spice shines. As a powerful anti-inflammatory, it helps cleanse and detoxify the liver, playing a crucial role in your regular diet and detox plan.

Pro tip: When combined with black pepper, the bioavailability (amount your body can absorb before it’s metabolized) of the turmeric is enhanced by up to 10x.


A couple small handfuls of almonds a day can work wonders. These vitamin-packed little nuggets help cleanse the fat and toxins that build up around the liver.

Pro tip: Toss an ounce serving of almonds on top of a salad, yogurt or oatmeal for an added crunch and up to 6 grams of protein.


Flatten those tummy’s and flush toxins with lemon!

Lemon is a natural energizer, cleanser and purifierthat helps your body fight symptoms of toxic build-up. Additionally, they’re an excellent source of Vitamin C and other antioxidants which protect the body.

Pro tip: Lemon water can also be helpful in relieving indigestion or an upset stomach, all while keeping insulin levels steady, which allows you to get more nutrients out of the food you consume.

#17 KIWI

Kiwi is one of the most effective forms of fiber, which makes it an important part of your regular detox diet. Kiwi is also loaded with vitamin C and promotes healthy digestion. If you are suffering from any digestive issues, consuming a daily dose of this powerful little fruit could be very beneficial.

Pro tip: Tasty when paired with yogurt, oatmeal, in a smoothie or on its own.


Researchers found that those including 4 weekly servings of legumes (specifically lentils, chickpeas, beans and peas) lost more weight than those on a calorie-equivalent diet that did not include legumes — likely due to their high fiber content. Foods high in fiber also keep you fuller longer, so you still feel satisfied while consuming less.

Pro tip: When legumes and rice (go for whole grain if possible) are combined in a dish, they form a complete protein. This is a great option for vegetarians.


This green goddess has good news for your next hangover! According to a study in the Journal of Food Science, the amino acids and minerals found in asparagus may alleviate hangover symptoms and protect liver cells against toxins. As a natural diuretic, they will also help flush any pesky excess toxins from your system. Never thought steamed greens would sound so good?

Pro tip: Roast in the oven with fresh garlic, sundried tomatoes and our Herbes de Provence spice mix for a healthy and delicious side dish.


Cacao powder – the real stuff – is a great way to combat bloat and sneak more fiber into your diet. The perfect excuse to appease those chocolate cravings️.

Pro tip:Mix two tablespoons of cacao powder into hot water or milk for a healthy, filling winter beverage.


Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts make great additions to your diet to support the body’s efforts in remaining toxin free. Packed with powerful antioxidant properties, phytonutrients, vitamin C and fiber, they sustain healthy functioning for the liver and digestive system so that detoxification is more effective. Research has shown that a diet rich in cruciferous veggies reduces the risk of certain cancers.

Pro tip: Boil and blend broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic and onion together for a delicious soup base.

#22 KALE

Fresh, green veggies, like kale, are a good source of glutathione-essential for detox of liver pathway. Fresh vegetables can also provide excellent sources of insoluble fiber, which gets the gut moving. Crisp, crunchy raw veggies are highest in this sort of fiber.

Pro tip: Break into small pieces and roast in the oven for about ten minutes, after drizzling with olive oil or coconut oil and your choice of spices.


Onion and garlic both have powerful anti-bacterial and immune-boosting properties. Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years as an antibiotic, to boost the immune system as well as supportingliver function.

Pro tip: It can help add a punch of flavor to the other foods you’ll be eating on your detox program.


Artichokes contain antioxidants that stimulate bile flow, which helps the body digest fats and clear the system of potentially inflammatory substances. Just one artichoke per day also contains 10 grams of fiber andcan decrease belly fat by up to 4%.

Pro tip: After removing the outer leaves, slice whole artichokes in half and baste with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, then roast them on the grill.


An effective digestive system is absolutely crucial to maintaining a relatively toxin free body. Toxins destroy the healthy bacteria in our guts, known as probiotics, which are an important part of supporting effective digestion. Yogurt is one of the highest natural sources of probiotics and will keep your gut in great shape.

Pro tip: Top with a little fruit, nuts, seeds (flax or chia are my favorites) and a drizzle of raw honey.


Give your belly the boost it needs with probiotic-rich kombucha. Probiotics provide your gut with healthy bacteria it needs to stay balanced, digest properly and fight disease. These bacteria can improve many aspects of your health, including digestion, reduced inflammation and even weight loss.

Pro tip:Try making your own at home! You can find a home brewing kit at most Whole Foods, co-ops and some farmers markets or other holistic nutrition stores.


Olive oil should be your go-to oil for use in cooking while detoxing.It contains many of its own healthy nutrients, and makes for a better choice of fats than most options.

Pro tip: Be sure not to cook with olive oil at high heat! For frying, use avocado or sesame oil. For sautéing, use coconut or grapeseed oil.


Spinach and collard greens have amazing detox benefits. Collard greens have an incredible ability to cleanse your system of excess cholesterol, especially when steamed. Spinach membranes contain thylakoids, which are powerful appetite-suppressing compounds.

Pro tip: Combine several types of greens in a salad or cook (sauté, roast, etc.) with rice, legumes and veggies.


Stomach bloat is never a fun feeling, and it can be a stage 5 clinger through even your healthiest days of eating and most challenging workouts. Detox waters will naturally help your body release fat cells for water weight loss, all while flushing those toxins for an ultimate slim down effect.

Pro tip: Load up your next round of H2O with a variety of fruits and herbs – mint, rosemary and basil usually taste the best mixed with fruits & citrus.


Milk thistle is one of the key plants associated with promoting liver detoxification. Milk thistle contains a mixture of polyphenolic compounds that assist liver cells in removing toxins from healthy blood cells.

Pro tip: Buy the pre-made tea or ground milk thistle to mix into your own homemade teas and sprinkle onto various dishes.

Limit or avoid the following items for the best results: alcohol, caffeine (limited coffee and tea are OK), sugar and sugar supplements, fried food, cannedfood, foods with more than 10 ingredients and overeating. Limit consumption of liquids during mealtime to give the body room to digest properly.

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